Our Company

As markets become more global and pace of technology increases, professionals across all fields will need to be increasingly flexible as well as increasingly knowledgeable. Capping on these needs, Princeton Education Connections was establish with the aim to help you build up the knowledge and skills you will need to thrive in an increasingly multicultural, interconnected, and competitive global market.

By taking advantage of our services or study-abroad programs in USA, be it short-term or long-term, you will return home completely recharged and inspired for the unique opportunities you will be facing in your future study and career. You will also have made a great strive forward in becoming an international citizen through working with international companies and organizations, building up your confidence and independence, and further enhancing your competitive edge in pursuing your dream in either further education or global job market.

Princeton Education Connections is dedicated to assisting you in improving your capacities to think strategically, communicate effectively, and act decisively. Whether you are looking for opportunities to get premier high school or undergraduate education in USA, pursue advanced studies in leading graduate schools, or searching for employment in the industry of finance in USA, we are here to help you achieve your goals and realize your dreams.

Our Programs

Currently we are offering the China-US Future Development program for a talented and select group of rising college seniors and graduate students who want to learn about advanced studies and careers in finance, economics, statistics, computer science, and other engineering programs. CUFD Program is designed to introduce students to the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary for thriving in the 21st century business world. This program teaches students to communicate effectively across different cultures while learning business from multiple perspectives. Students often find the experience they have gained from CUFD program to be a defining moment in their educational and interpersonal growth.

Program Highlights

  • CUFD Program features classes, trips, and activities designed to give students opportunities to learn about new business practices
  • Engage in classroom discussions about finance, financial engineering, economics, and quantitative analysis in the financial field
  • Attend lectures and presentations from outstanding faculty and guest speakers from Columbia and NYU Stern
  • Visit business enterprises and speak with successful professionals in industries
  • Visit campuses and speak with admission officers or current students about application process at leading business schools
  • Develop and enhance leadership skills through collaborative teamwork

For more information about the program and application process, please contact our US Coordinator at: info@myglobalfuture.org